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Dollhouse: Perhaps I Was Wrong to Hope

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The other day I posted the new trailer for Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse, saying that I was anxious about the premise, but that I held out hope anyway. I may have been wrong about the “hope” part. Not because of the show itself, but because Fox just put out its midseason schedule, and it’s banished Dollhouse to Friday. (Starting Feb. 13, not January, as had earlier been suggested.) The original plan had been to pair it on Mondays with 24. 

Now, this is not automatically a death sentence or vote of no confidence. There’s an audience for sci-fi on Fridays (where Fox is also moving Sarah Connor, whose ratings have been weak), as Sci Finetwork has shown . Then again, Friday network audiences are tiny, and it’s lately become the place networks send shows to die.

The question is whether Fox is setting the bar low for Dollhouse’s ratings—or just raising the bar over its head in order to whack it a good one.