Tuned In

The Morning After: Snitting with Borpoh

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Nicole Rivelli

NBC Photo: Nicole Rivelli

I watched last night’s 30 Rock weeks ago, but my new motto of life remains, There are only two things I love: Everybody, and television. This was simply one of those episodes where everything clicked: Kenneth’s moral dilemma and Jack’s determination to tempt him; the Olympics parody (“octuples tennis”); the Black. White. racial switch (“See Liz Lemon? You’re already treating me with more respect!”); and above all, the genius way the script conceived to have Oprah appear in the show with out Oprah really appearing on the show (i.e., as a hallucination). And above all, Tina Fey’s Princess Leia getup, one of the funniest quick scenes 30 Rock has ever done. 

Because as CNN so ably taught us: Princess Leia—never not funny.